Press Passing
- At Warners, we are happy for customers to pass their work on press, and there are no direct extra costs for doing this.
- We ask that if a press pass is likely, we are advised of this as soon as possible.
- Your Key Account Manager will also ask you some specific questions about your requirements whilst passing your job so that we can make production aware of what to expect.
- Press passes will be between 6 am and 9 pm Monday to Friday. Supervisory cover will not be available during the night shift or weekends to accommodate press passes outside of these hours.
- We have a dedicated Press Pass suite with a TV and a private bathroom. Wherever possible, this will be booked for your visit.
- Your Key Account Manager will be here to greet you and settle you into the press pass suite and will normally accompany you for the first section, after which you will return to the room to await subsequent sections being ready for approval.
- The press room manager/supervisor may then look after you for subsequent sections.
- We have closed-loop colour on all our machines, so we will be up and running quickly once the press starts up.
- We will run the press up to standard ink densities, and the colour management system will automatically ensure that we are up to an acceptable level very quickly, and at this stage, we would deem the quality and colour as good copy.
- At this point, you are free to make any colour adjustments that you wish, but please be aware that once we have reached the standard spoilage allowance, the copies will be deemed as acceptable and included in the copy count.
- Please also be aware that the process is very quick, as are the speeds of the machines, so for short-run jobs (sub 7,000 copies), the time to check and make colour adjustments is a matter of minutes before the section is completed.
- If you are not prepared to let the copies go in once standard spoilage is reached, unless there are quality issues that are down to us, we may at this point need to discuss additional costs in terms of paper waste.
- Please also be aware that if the job requires special size reels, any additional paper required may not be available to accommodate excess spoilage.
- We fully expect, as is the case during most press passes, that you will be delighted with the speed and efficiency of the process and of course, the quality of print coming off our presses.
Updated 24/08/2022